Meet The Face Behind Edrien Inc.

Edmon Dingzon |

Tax Accountants in Baltimore

I’m Edmon Dingzon, proud owner of Edrien Inc.

I look forward to sharing my story. I hope that you will enjoy getting to know me better.

I have been a tax accountant for the past twenty years. I chose to become an accountant because I am passionate about taxes and helping people complete all their tax-related formalities without any hiccups.

At Edrien Inc., we offer complete tax filing services. We provide you with a copy of the tax returns of current filing year, we respond to any questions from the government and ensure that the client obtains a refund.

As the owner of the business, my primary responsibilities revolve around proper budgeting and ensuring adequate cash-flow. Being able to win audits and tax cases, is the ultimate motivating factor for me, and is something that I thoroughly enjoy.

As an accountant, one of my proudest achievements was when I was able to offset a $110,000 tax liability on a property gain that the IRS taxed my client for. The client sold a property but he hadn’t shown me the home sale. I corresponded with the IRS until I was able to present them with the deed of sales indicating that the deal cost my client $420,000 and the sale resulted in no property gain as it was sold for a loss.

While I attribute my success to my passion for numbers, as numbers are the ultimate truth, my honesty, accountability, culture, passion, and style, have also played a key role.

I owe a debt of gratitude to my adopted parents who have helped shaped me. They showed me Christian values, and that life is about discipline. They also taught me that before people respect me, I must respect myself!

When I am not at work, I enjoy working out and going to the gym. I also love skydiving! As an individual, I believe what sets me apart from the others is my honesty, integrity, and confidence. I believe in doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. I always choose quality over quantity and I don’t chase money, I let money chase me.

In addition, I am a firm believer in helping low-income families and use my resources to provide assistance when and where I can. I help them file their income tax returns and to do all this more efficiently, I volunteer with the VITA-IRS tax volunteer program.

I have enjoyed sharing my story about the things which matter to me and how they influence the way I do business.

If you or someone you know could benefit from our expertise in accounting, bookkeeping, tax preparation, tax returns, tax filings, notary and immigration consultation services, I invite you to get in touch. Please visit our website at



